About the Organization
GritGrants are made possible through the generosity and support of two organizations: The McKenzie Foundation and Uncharted Learning.
The McKenzie Foundation
is the donor source helping to fund the cash awards and other gifts that recipients receive. The McKenzie Foundation was established to inspire peace through kindness and education. To illustrate this philanthropic mission, its founders, Maureen and James McKenzie, along with their children, Alexandra, Samuel and Joseph, lead the Foundation to fund nonprofits working on peacemaking through education and the improvement of the human spirit. The Foundation believes in building the capacity of its partners and the realization of their commitments. As active impact donors, the Foundation aligns its mission with grant-making goals. Outside of this work, the Foundation makes discretionary donations by invitation.
If you are interested in partnering with The McKenzie Foundation to help provide donations or involvement to support the GritGrant mission, please click here.
Uncharted Learning
is a worldwide organization that helps to partner with high schools, providing integrated learning experiences in the classroom. They offer programs to integrate entrepreneurship education with standard academic or career & technical education (CTE) curricular paths to help students develop skills through relevant applications.If you are interested in partnering with The McKenzie Foundation to help provide donations or involvement to support the GritGrant mission, please click here.
To learn more about the programs Uncharted Learning provides that also help to identify and recognize students for potential GritGrant Awards click here.

How are the organizations partnered?
The McKenzie Foundation leverages the reach, interaction and entrepreneurial programs that Uncharted Learning offers in high school classrooms in order to promote teachers of their students to identify and nominate those that they feel are deserving of a GritGrant.
It’s through this process that GritGrant is better able to find and uplift those that show the true meaning of perseverance, overcoming adversity, outstanding character and leadership at such a young and influential age.

How are the organizations partnered?
Currently GritGrant recipients must be nominated by a teacher that is a part of one of the following Uncharted Learning Programs: INCubatoredu, ACCELeratoredu, MobileMakersEdu and / or MobileMakersStudio. To learn more about this click here.