Eligible Programs

GritGrants currently accepts high school student nominations from teachers involved in four different Uncharted Learning programs. Those programs are the following:

Uncharted Learning Programs


INCubatoredu is a full-year course offering an authentic entrepreneurship experience as students develop their own product or service startup. The program helps to provide problem-solution identification, customer and idea exploration and presentation / pitch creation for real funding.

To learn more about it click here.


As a second-year course and follow-up to INCubatoredu, ACCELeratoredu provides students the opportunity to launch and gain traction for their business. The program provides hands-on experience in actually forming a company, customer acquisition, production, market traction, iteration and scalability.


To learn more about it click here.

MobileMakersEdu & MobileMakersStudio

MobileMakersEdu® is a way to ‘light up’ students around coding and foster an entrepreneurial mindset - students learn coding and design skills to bring mobile app ideas to life, and in doing so acquire career-ready hard and soft skills.


Future readiness for students requires understanding how technology can solve problems regardless of career path. Modern skills like algorithmic thinking are important for many career and technical fields, and standard computer science just isn’t motivating to all students.


To learn more about it click here.


Not a part of Uncharted Learning?

If your school is not currently a part of Uncharted Learning, please have your school administrator reach out to them at the link below to learn more about how bringing these entrepreneurial and immersive programs can help foster the future business and community leaders of tomorrow.