Common Traits

While popularized in more modern times by leading researchers such as Angela Duckworth, grit has been around ever since humanity has had struggle. With a select few able to rise above those struggles to push forward no matter the cost or pain.
Doesn’t Quit: Gets up when knocked down
Works Hard: Rolls up sleeves and goes the extra mile
Delays Gratification: Is disciplined and has self-control
Courageous: Continues on despite fears
Confident: Trusts in one’s abilities
Resilient: Bounces back from difficult times
Flexible: Keeps an open-mind
Grateful: Appreciates others

The Sad Truth on Traditional Eudcation

Now, more than ever, it is the grit of an individual that propels them to achieve goals and success within their frameworks of life. With so much pressure and failure surrounding traditional education, it is a primary reason why GritGrant looks to award those with an entrepreneurial and vocational motivation.

of students that start 4-year university drop out
trillion in student debt racked up from 4-year universities

A trait possessed by individuals who demonstrate passion and perseverance toward a goal despite being confronted by significant obstacles. Those with grit are able to self-regulate and postpone their need for positive reinforcement while working diligently on a task.

Founder @ GritGrant Jim McKenzie